好·爱·好 Pleasant Hobby



马玉玺(Alexander Maltsev)今年24岁,1999年来到中国后,创立了《马网报》这份网络报纸,现在他主持的《老外播客》,通过广播的形式让更多的人了解中国。Sergey是一个酷爱滑板的俄罗斯留学生,他用自己的方式把自己的爱好也带到了上海这座城市。



There are so many foreigners living in Shanghai. They have already become a part of the asphalt jungle. They are already an inseparable part of the urban culture of this city. If they didn’t stay in this metropolitan city anymore, Shanghai wouldn’t be the same anymore for sure.

 Alexander Maltsev, 24 years old came to China in 1999. Some years later he founded "MEGAZETA" internet publishing webpage and an online podcast  "LaoWai Cast" broadcasting about life in China. Sergey, a student from Russia, is into skating and  shooting. He decided to join these two hobbies shooting skating tricks.
They both consider nothing else but Shanghai had an effect on their hobbies . Now Shanghai is their second ''Home town" and they can’t  imagine their lives without shanghai.

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